XSPC Pure Coolant, 1 Liter - grün, UV

Код товара: XS-PURE-GR
9.25 €

XSPC PURE Premix Coolant - UV Green 1000ml

XSPC PURE is a clean, environmentally friendly coolant for PC water cooling systems. It is based on a refined 8-stage, triple distilled water blend with non-toxic corrosion inhibitors and long-lasting, non-toxic dyes (except clear, which contains no dyes).

It offers market leading protection for copper, brass, steel, nickel, aluminium and is safe for use on acetal and acrylic plastics.

PURE has an extremely low electrical conductivity and with its choice of intense colors it is the perfect coolant for PC water cooling systems.


  • 100% pre-mixed coolant, ready for immediate use
  • PURE 8-stage, triple distilled base
  • Excellent corrosion inhibitors to protect metals such as copper, nickel, brass, steel and aluminium, tested to BS5117 and 6580:2010 standards
  • Slow release long-term loop stabilizer
  • Pump friendly (clogging free)
  • Safe for use with PVC, EPDM, PETG, acrylic and metal pipes
  • Low electrical conductivity (<2µS/cm at 30°C)
  • 3 years shelf life (unopened with intact seal/not in direct sunlight)
  • Can be disposed of via general household grey water waste
  • Glycol-free, non-toxic and RoHS compliant

Instructions for use:

Systems containing solder, copper, nickel, brass or steel can be mixed in the same circuit without any problem. PURE offers full protection.

Systems containing aluminum MUST NOT be mixed with other metals. PURE provides full protection for aluminum alone.

Classification - Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (CLP)

  • Physical and chemical hazards: Not classified as a physical or chemical hazard
  • Human health: Not classified as a health hazard
  • Environment: Not classified as an environmental hazard

Note: Although this is a distilled water product, we do not sell this as drinking water. DO NOT INTAKE

Made in the UK - Safe to mix with XSPC RECOLOUR dyes - Glycol free

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