Wacom graphics tablet Cintiq 16
Код товара: DTK-1660-K0B
706.50 €
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Wacom Cintiq on truu töökaaslane alustavale illustraatorile – erksad värvid, selge FullHD ekraan ja ergonoomiline disain koos eriti tundliku Wacom Pro Pen 2 puutepliiatsiga tagavad tõeliselt loomuliku tunnetuse, mis viivad Sinu loomingu järgmisele tasemele.
Loominguline harmoonia
Wacom Pro Pen 2 ja Wacom Cintiq 15.6" teevad koostööd, et tagada produktiivne ja mugav kasutamine. Ekraanil on peegeldumisvastane pealispind, mis ennetab kõiki häirivaid peegeldusi. FullHD ekraan tagab seejuures suurepärase selguse, nii et näed iga detaili. Vähendatud parallaks annab suurema kontrolli kursori liikumise üle – kursor on alati seal, kuhu seda asetada soovid. Kõik see kokku teeb Wacom Cintiq graafikalaua kasutuse sama loomulikuks kui paberil joonistamise.
Pliiats, mis lammutab piirid
Loomulik samm paremuse poole
Vastupidav Wacom Pro Pen 2 ja Wacom Cintiq graafikalaua 15,6" peen ekraan ei ole loodud vaid ilu jaoks – nende disainimisel on silmas peetud ka vastupidavust. Wacom Cintiq on valmistatud kriimustuskindlatest materjalidest, mis tagavad töökindluse nii esimesel projektil kui kõigil järgnevatel.
Tööta enda moodi
Wacom Cintiq on varustatud integreeritud tugijalgadega, mida saab reguleerida kuni 19° kaldenurgani. Nii saad ekraani seadistada just Sulle sobivasse asendisse.
Väiksed asjad võivad palju muuta
Wacom Cintiq graafikalaual on kolm-ühes kaabel, mis ühendab tahvli toiteallikaga ning võimaldab ka video- ja andmeedastust. Kaabel ühendub graafikalaua ülaosasse, nii hoiab see töölaua puhtana. Lisaks on tahvlil ka eemaldatav pliiatsihoidik, mida saab kinnitada graafikalaua mõlemale küljele. Hoidikus saab mugavalt hoiustada ka pliiatsi varuotsikuid – nii on iga projekti jaoks vajalik tööriist mugavalt kättesaadav. Make it on Wacom Cintiq
Wacom Cintiq creative pen display is perfectly equipped to help you begin your journey as an illustrator. Vibrant color, HD clarity and ergonomic design together with the super-responsive Pro Pen 2, offer a truly natural experience and help take your creative ideas to the next level.
Live. Dare. Create.
Create in harmony
Wacom Pro Pen 2 and Wacom Cintiq 15.6” display work together to make your creative session productive and comfortable. The screen has an anti-glare film, preventing any distracting reflections. The full HD display provides great clarity, so you can see every detail on screen. The reduced parallax also gives you full control, so your cursor is precisely where you want it. All this combines to make drawing on Wacom Cintiq feel as natural as drawing on paper.
A pen that takes you beyond
The perfect progression
Whether you’re used to creating on paper or using a pen tablet, making the switch to Wacom Cintiq will feel like a natural progression. The seamless interaction between pen and display will help improve your creative flow.
Designed to take you further
The durable duo of Wacom Pro Pen 2 and Wacom Cintiq’s 15.6” slim line display are built not just for beauty, but were designed with resilience in mind. Made with scratch resistant materials, Wacom Cintiq is a creative tool you can rely on for your first project and those to come.
Work your way
With the integrated foldable legs you can go from almost flat to a 19° incline in seconds, so you get into the perfect working position while developing your concepts. An optional stand gives you even more flexible and ergonomic working positions.
Little touches make a big difference
The 3-in-1 cable that connects to your Wacom Cintiq combines power, video and data in one. It also connects to the top of the screen to avoid unwanted desk clutter. The detachable pen holder can be easily moved to either side of the display to suit your preference. Spare nibs are also stored neatly inside the pen holder, so whatever the project, the right tool will always be close to hand.
Loominguline harmoonia
Wacom Pro Pen 2 ja Wacom Cintiq 15.6" teevad koostööd, et tagada produktiivne ja mugav kasutamine. Ekraanil on peegeldumisvastane pealispind, mis ennetab kõiki häirivaid peegeldusi. FullHD ekraan tagab seejuures suurepärase selguse, nii et näed iga detaili. Vähendatud parallaks annab suurema kontrolli kursori liikumise üle – kursor on alati seal, kuhu seda asetada soovid. Kõik see kokku teeb Wacom Cintiq graafikalaua kasutuse sama loomulikuks kui paberil joonistamise.
Pliiats, mis lammutab piirid
- Piirideta looming
Tänu EMR (elektromagnetilise resonantsi) tehnoloogiale töötab Wacom Pro Pen 2 sama kaua kui Sina. See ammutab jõudu otse graafikalauast ega vaja patareisid ega laadimist. Lisaks on pliiatsi kaal, kummeeritud haardepind ja nuppude asetus spetsiaalselt disainitud ergonoomilise kasutuse tagamiseks. - Liikudes Sinuga koos
Wacom Pro Pen 2 reageerib Sinu käe kallutustele ja reageerib viivituseta, joonistades täpselt ekraanile iga pliiatsitõmbe. Tänu vähendatud parallaksile on Sul kursori liikumise üle ka parem kontroll. Eriti täpne pliiats ja peegeldumisvastane ekraan tagavad selle, et joonistamine, visandamine ja maalimine graafikalaual on sujuv ja ladus. - Täpselt parajalt survet
Wacom Pro Pen 2 on tervelt 8192 surveastet ja madal aktiveerimistundlikkus. Tänu sellele tunnetab pliiats ka kõige õrnemaid pliiatsitõmbeid ning annab Sulle täieliku kontrolli.
Loomulik samm paremuse poole
Vastupidav Wacom Pro Pen 2 ja Wacom Cintiq graafikalaua 15,6" peen ekraan ei ole loodud vaid ilu jaoks – nende disainimisel on silmas peetud ka vastupidavust. Wacom Cintiq on valmistatud kriimustuskindlatest materjalidest, mis tagavad töökindluse nii esimesel projektil kui kõigil järgnevatel.
Tööta enda moodi
Wacom Cintiq on varustatud integreeritud tugijalgadega, mida saab reguleerida kuni 19° kaldenurgani. Nii saad ekraani seadistada just Sulle sobivasse asendisse.
Väiksed asjad võivad palju muuta
Wacom Cintiq graafikalaual on kolm-ühes kaabel, mis ühendab tahvli toiteallikaga ning võimaldab ka video- ja andmeedastust. Kaabel ühendub graafikalaua ülaosasse, nii hoiab see töölaua puhtana. Lisaks on tahvlil ka eemaldatav pliiatsihoidik, mida saab kinnitada graafikalaua mõlemale küljele. Hoidikus saab mugavalt hoiustada ka pliiatsi varuotsikuid – nii on iga projekti jaoks vajalik tööriist mugavalt kättesaadav. Make it on Wacom Cintiq
Wacom Cintiq creative pen display is perfectly equipped to help you begin your journey as an illustrator. Vibrant color, HD clarity and ergonomic design together with the super-responsive Pro Pen 2, offer a truly natural experience and help take your creative ideas to the next level.
Live. Dare. Create.
Create in harmony
Wacom Pro Pen 2 and Wacom Cintiq 15.6” display work together to make your creative session productive and comfortable. The screen has an anti-glare film, preventing any distracting reflections. The full HD display provides great clarity, so you can see every detail on screen. The reduced parallax also gives you full control, so your cursor is precisely where you want it. All this combines to make drawing on Wacom Cintiq feel as natural as drawing on paper.
A pen that takes you beyond
- Unlimited creativity
With EMR (Electro Magnetic Resonance) technology Wacom Pro Pen 2 will keep going as long as you do. It draws power from your Wacom Cintiq – so it requires no batteries or recharging. Plus, the pen has been precisely designed so that the balance of weight, rubber grip and position of the buttons make it comfortable to use. - Made to move with you
Wacom Pro Pen 2 reacts to the tilt of your hand and immediately responds as you move, precisely capturing every stroke of your pen. With reduced parallax, your cursor appears exactly where you want it. This high level of accuracy combined with the anti-glare screen means that drawing, sketching and painting feels seamless. - The right kind of pressure
With 8,192 levels of pressure sensitivity and a low activation force, Wacom Pro Pen 2 recognizes even the lightest pen strokes. Giving you the control you need, whatever the project.
The perfect progression
Whether you’re used to creating on paper or using a pen tablet, making the switch to Wacom Cintiq will feel like a natural progression. The seamless interaction between pen and display will help improve your creative flow.
Designed to take you further
The durable duo of Wacom Pro Pen 2 and Wacom Cintiq’s 15.6” slim line display are built not just for beauty, but were designed with resilience in mind. Made with scratch resistant materials, Wacom Cintiq is a creative tool you can rely on for your first project and those to come.
Work your way
With the integrated foldable legs you can go from almost flat to a 19° incline in seconds, so you get into the perfect working position while developing your concepts. An optional stand gives you even more flexible and ergonomic working positions.
Little touches make a big difference
The 3-in-1 cable that connects to your Wacom Cintiq combines power, video and data in one. It also connects to the top of the screen to avoid unwanted desk clutter. The detachable pen holder can be easily moved to either side of the display to suit your preference. Spare nibs are also stored neatly inside the pen holder, so whatever the project, the right tool will always be close to hand.
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