Roccat mousepad Sense Aimo XXL, RGB Illumination (ROC-13-371)

Код товара: ROC-13-371
  • Ширина: 900 mm
  • Глубина: 400 mm
  • Толщина: 3.5 mm
46.90 €59.90 €
Vivid AIMO valgustus
AIMO valgustussüsteem reageerib sujuvalt Sinu kasutusele ja sünkroonib ühilduvate seadmetega, et esitada eredaid valgustusstsenaariume. AIMO valgustussüsteem koosneb kahest programmeeritavast tsoonist, nii et saad värvilist valgust saata kahes suunas. Valgustusüssteemi toiteks on varjatud punutud kaabel. Süsteemile on lisatud ka nupp, mis võimaldab Sul hõlpsalt valgusefekte vahetada.

Mugav ja vastupidav pealispind
Roccat Sense Aimo elastne, riidega kaetud pind on masinõmmeldud ja kohandatud esmaklassiliste materjalidega, et anda Sinu hiirele suurepärane kiirus ja täpsus.

Libisemisvastane aluspind
Hiiremati tagakülg on tavaliselt tähelepanuta jäetud osa – kuigi tegelikult on see üks olulisemaid. Ilma kindla aluseta libiseb Sinu hiirematt kogu töölaual omas suunas, mis on viimane asi, mida mängides soovid. Selle probleemi ärahoidmiseks on Sense AIMO alus valmistatud tugevast kummist, millel on spetsiaalsed libisemiskindlad omadused. See hoiab hiiremati kindlalt paigal ka kiiretel mänguhetkedel. Vivid Aimo illumination
AIMO is an illumination eco-system that reacts fluently to your usage and syncs with compatible devices to present vivid lighting scenarios. The Sense AIMO showcases the platform in all its glory with a bright RGB light guide. The guide is comprised of two programmable zones, making it so that colored light can be sent in two directions – for an amplified experience. It's powered by a discreet braided cable that can be detached. It also features a low-profile button which allows you to cycle through effects on the fly.

Top-tier cloth surface
The flexible cloth surface is machine stitched to provide fast speed with decisive control. It is expertly tailored with premium materials to give you precise tracking with a soft touch. Focused attention was given to the border area featuring the light guide. It was stitched with a specially chosen pattern to ensure absolutely no discomfort or irritation to your wrist during use. That means you can enjoy the top-performing surface of the Sense AIMO without any compromise.

Rubberized non-slip backing
The back of a mousepad is typically it’s most overlooked part – even though it’s amongst its most important. Without a solid foundation your pad ends up slipping all over your desk, which is the last thing you want when you’re in game. To prevent this issue the Sense AIMO’s backing is comprised of a heavy-duty rubberized material with special non-slip properties. It keeps the pad locked in place even during fast-paced gaming action.


Ширина900 mm
Глубина400 mm
Толщина3.5 mm

Доступность продукта

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