Код товара: 580-18366_LT
- Раскладка: EN
- Подключения: No
- Цвет: Чёрный; Monotone
34.60 €
Dell KB-813 Smartcard Reader USB Keyboard Black
The KB813 Smartcard keyboard from Dell is designed to offer high security. It is one-stop solution to protect institutional data and intellectual property through a comfortable, stylish keyboard that has an integrated smartcard reader. This Smartcard keyboard provides durable typing solution through spill-resistant, low profile quiet keys with a removable palm rest that helps provide a comfortable typing experience. Its wired connection helps provide secure, fast data and authentication transfers. Moreover, the wired USB connection is easy to connect to virtually any Dell system.
The KB813 Smartcard keyboard from Dell is designed to offer high security. It is one-stop solution to protect institutional data and intellectual property through a comfortable, stylish keyboard that has an integrated smartcard reader. This Smartcard keyboard provides durable typing solution through spill-resistant, low profile quiet keys with a removable palm rest that helps provide a comfortable typing experience. Its wired connection helps provide secure, fast data and authentication transfers. Moreover, the wired USB connection is easy to connect to virtually any Dell system.
Технические детали
Возможности подключенияNo
Раскладка клавиатурыEN
Мышь в комплектеNo
Особенности клавиатурыAinult Klaviatuur
ЦветЧёрный; Monotone
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