Minipicto keyboard sticker EST KB-UNI-EE01-GRY, grey/black
Код товара: KB-UNI-EE01-GRY
3.90 €
Kvaliteetsed siiditrükis trükitud täieliku eesti tähestikuga klaviatuurikleebised. Kleebistel on läbipaistmatu hall taust, mis katab ära kogu klaviatuuriklahvil oleva info ning sümbolid on musta värvi. Kleebised on mati pealispinnaga. Ühe klahvikleebise mõõtmed: 12 × 11 mm.
Kauakestvaks püsimiseks on otstarbekas enne kleepimist klaviatuuri pind põhjalikult puhastada. High-quality keyboard stickers featuring the complete Estonian alphabet. The stickers can be used on both desktop PC and notebook keyboards. They come in black symbols on opaque grey background which will cover all the information on the keyboard's keys. Single sticker dimensions: 12 × 11 mm.
The key's surface must be clean prior to applying the sticker.
Kauakestvaks püsimiseks on otstarbekas enne kleepimist klaviatuuri pind põhjalikult puhastada. High-quality keyboard stickers featuring the complete Estonian alphabet. The stickers can be used on both desktop PC and notebook keyboards. They come in black symbols on opaque grey background which will cover all the information on the keyboard's keys. Single sticker dimensions: 12 × 11 mm.
The key's surface must be clean prior to applying the sticker.
Доступность продукта
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