Panasonic batteries

Panasonic eneloop rechargeable battery AA 1900 2BP

Product code:
eneloop on perfektne pika elueaga, eellaetud, raha ning energiat säästev aku, mida saab taaslaadida kuni 2100 korda. Alates eneloop akude loomisest 2005. aasta novembris on need muutnud tavakasutajale suunatud akude segmenti tänu oma unikaalsetele omadustele.
eneloop kombineerib endas taaslaetavate akude ning kuivelementidega akude parimad omadused. eneloop on taaslaetav aku, mida saab täpselt sama lihtsalt kasutada, kui tavalisi patareisid ning taaskasutada lihtsalt akut laadides. 
  • Saab kasutada korduvalt
  • Keskkonnasõbralik tootmine
  • Madal kulu pikemas perspektiivis
  • Saab kasutada kohe pakendist võttes
  • Saab talletada pikka aega
  • Lihtne kasutada
Uued eneloop akud on taaslaetavad kuni 2100 korda
Üks väga olulisi aspekte akude juures on nende eluiga - mitu laadimise/kasutamise tsüklit need vastu peavad ilma, et mahutavus kannataks. eneloop akude suurim eelis ongi see, et neid saab taaslaadida kuni 2100 korda ning peale seda ka ümber töödelda. Pikas perspektiivis ei ole eneloop akud lihtsalt rahakotisõbralikud, vaid ka keskkonda säästvad, kuna sa ei pea viima ohtlike jäätmete kogumispunkti 2100 akut.
Uus eneloop - veel madalam isetühjenemine
eneloop akudel on äärmiselt aeglane isetühjenemine ning nagu ka tavalised patareid - töövalmis kohe peale ostmist. Mitte ainult töövalmis, vaid ka laetud. eneloop akud on peale 5-aastat kapis hoidmist 70% laetud, mistõttu on need alati kasutusvalmis. See ei oma enam tähtsust, millal sa laadisid eneloop akusid, sa võid lihtsalt kindel olla, et sahtlist võttes on need valmis sinu seadmele vajalikku toidet andma. Isegi viis aastat hiljem.
eneloop - taastuvenergia ennekõike
eneloop akud ei ole lihtsalt keskkonnasõbralikud, kuna need on taaskasutatavad. Need on Jaapani tehases eellaetud, kasutades päikeseenergiat.
eneloop akud on universaalsed
Vahet pole, mis seadme jaoks sul voolu on vaja: eneloop akud sobivad nii teleri pultide, kellade, MP3 mängijate, fotokaamerate ja välkude jaoks. Enam ei ole vaja ka suurema voolutarbega seadmete jaoks "erilisi" akusid - eneloop toimib nende sees perfektselt.
Kõrge sooritus ka madalatel temperatuuridel
Tavaliste akude probleemiks on piisava toite andmine madaltatel temperatuuridel. eneloop jaoks pole see probleem - kuni -20°C juures ei ole nende akudega probleemi ka suurema voolutarbega seadmete kasutamisel.
eneloop akudel on suurem kasutatav mahutavus, kui standardsetel akudel
Üks väga oluline aspekt eneloop akude juures on nende kõrgem tööpinge. Paljud seadmed lülitavad end välja või näitavad tühja akut siis, kui toiteallika väljundpinge langeb alla 1,1 voldi. Traditsioonilistel NiMH akudel langeb tööpinge ühtlaselt kasutamise ajal ning langeb alla 1,1 voldi piiri. eneloop akud samas hoiavad tööpinge pikemalt üle 1,1 voldi piiri ning alles siis, kui need on peaaegu täielikult tühjenenud, langeb ka tööpinge. Just sel põhjusel saab eneloop akudega teha rohkem pilte või kasutada välku kauem.
eneloop is the perfect, long-life, pre-charged, energy and money saving, recyclable rechargeable battery which can now be charged and discharged even up to 2100 times.
Since its launch in November 2005 eneloop has revolutionized the consumer-use rechargeable battery segment with its unique features.
eneloop is combining the advantages of a rechargeable battery and a dry-cell battery
eneloop is a rechargeable battery that can be used as easily as a dry-cell battery, and reused simply by recharging it. It combines all advantages of a dry-cell battery and a rechargeable battery while also protecting the environment.
  • Can be used many times
  • Enviromentally friendly
  • Low long term cost
  • Can be used immediately
  • Low initial cost
  • Can be stored for a long time
  • Simple to use
The new eneloop is rechargeable up to 2100 times
One of the most important specifications of a rechargeable battery is the cycle life, i.e. the number of charge / discharge cycles a battery can withstand without losing its capacity.  Clearly the greatest advantage of eneloop is that is can be recharged up to 2100 times and recycled afterwards. In the long run this is not only more economical it also avoids the waste of 2100 batteries.
The new eneloop has an even lower self-discharge
eneloop batteries have a low self-discharge rate and are therefore just like dry cell batteries immediately usable after purchase. Not only are they ready to use after purchase – they also keep their charge. eneloop retains 70% of its charge after 5 years of storage and does not require periodic recharging. This means that you can be sure your device is always ready for use. No matter when you charge eneloop, you can count on eneloop supplying the power that you need, even five years later.
eneloop – Clean Energy Loop
eneloop creates a clean „Energy Loop“ by being pre-charged at the Japanese factory with clean, renewable solar energy, which makes eneloop even more environmentally friendly.
eneloop is universally usable
From digital cameras to MP3 players on to remote controls: eneloop is the ideal universal power supply for almost all of your household devices, even for applications that until now have run on alkaline batteries such as game consoles.
You no longer need “special batteries“. eneloop is powerful enough to run all these applications without any problems.
High performance even at low temperatures down to –20°C
Another great advantage of eneloop is its good performance at low temperatures.
eneloop has higher usable capacity than standard batteries
One of the main features of eneloop is the higher voltage level. Many applications switch off or show the low battery signal if the voltage is lower than 1.1 Volt. A traditional Ni-MH battery will lose its voltage constantly and runs under this critical level very soon. eneloop however will keep the voltage level over 1.1 Volt for a long time, and only just before becoming empty will fall under that limit. That's one of the reasons why you can take more photos with eneloop.
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