Panasonic eneloop rechargeable battery AAA 800 8BP
Product code: BK-4MCDE/8BE
- Type: AAA
24.15 €
eneloop patareid
Igal aastal loome kogu maailmas 40 miljardist ühekordselt kasutatavast patareist koosneva prügimäe. eneloop patareide välja töötamisega on Panasonic leidnud vastuse sellele probleemile. See laaditav patarei sisaldab uusimat tehnoloogiat ja on nutika disainiga. Need patareid on igapäevase elu jaoks olulised. Toote pakend on plastikuvaba.
eneloop, keskkonnasõbralik laetav aku
eneloop on töötatud välja pidades meeles jätkusuutlikkust ja keskkonna eest hoolitsemist. Patareid on ostes täielikult laaditud ning neid saab uuesti laadida kuni 2100 korda. Samuti kaotavad patareid oma laengut aeglaselt, mis tähendab, et neid saab kasutada standardsetest leelispatareidest kauem. Lisaks säilitavad need 10 aasta järel 70% oma esialgsest mahtuvusest.
Seda tüüpi patarei hind on kõrgem, kuid see tasub end kiiresti ära, kuna need patareid kaotavad laengut aeglasemalt ning neid saab laadida kiiremini ja rohkem kordasid kui standardseid patareisid. See tähendab, et nende patareide ostmisel hoiad pikemas perspektiivis kokku.
Lisaks nende kaasaegsele ja stiilsele disainile on eneloopi tehnoloogia oluline elu kõigile aspektidele. eneloop on oluline kodus, erinevates seadmetes, nagu kaugjuhtimispuldid, telefonid või mänguasjad, ning samuti töö juures. eneloop patareid sobivad ülimalt hästi kasutamiseks juhtmeta klaviatuurides, kaamerates ja mitmetes teistes seadmetes. eneloop batteries
Every year around the world we create a waste mountain of 40 billion disposable batteries. Panasonic has provided an answer to this with the development of eneloop batteries. This rechargeable battery comes with the latest technology and has a smart design. These batteries are essential to daily life.
eneloop, the environmentally friendly rechargeable battery
The eneloop battery has been developed with the sustainability concept and care for the environment in mind. The batteries are fully charged when you purchase them and can also be recharged up to 2,100 times. Our batteries also lose their charge slowly, which means that they can be used for longer than standard alkaline batteries. Furthermore, they still retain 70% of their original capacity after 10 years.
The cost of this type of battery is higher but this is quickly recouped as these batteries lose their charge more slowly and can be recharged more quickly and more times than standard batteries. This means that you make savings when you buy these batteries over the long term.
In addition to their modern and stylish design, the technology of the eneloop is essential to all aspects of life. eneloop is essential at home, in various devices such as remote controls, cordless telephones or toys and also at work. Our eneloop batteries are extremely well-suited for use with wireless keyboards, cameras and many other devices.
Igal aastal loome kogu maailmas 40 miljardist ühekordselt kasutatavast patareist koosneva prügimäe. eneloop patareide välja töötamisega on Panasonic leidnud vastuse sellele probleemile. See laaditav patarei sisaldab uusimat tehnoloogiat ja on nutika disainiga. Need patareid on igapäevase elu jaoks olulised. Toote pakend on plastikuvaba.
eneloop, keskkonnasõbralik laetav aku
eneloop on töötatud välja pidades meeles jätkusuutlikkust ja keskkonna eest hoolitsemist. Patareid on ostes täielikult laaditud ning neid saab uuesti laadida kuni 2100 korda. Samuti kaotavad patareid oma laengut aeglaselt, mis tähendab, et neid saab kasutada standardsetest leelispatareidest kauem. Lisaks säilitavad need 10 aasta järel 70% oma esialgsest mahtuvusest.
Seda tüüpi patarei hind on kõrgem, kuid see tasub end kiiresti ära, kuna need patareid kaotavad laengut aeglasemalt ning neid saab laadida kiiremini ja rohkem kordasid kui standardseid patareisid. See tähendab, et nende patareide ostmisel hoiad pikemas perspektiivis kokku.
Lisaks nende kaasaegsele ja stiilsele disainile on eneloopi tehnoloogia oluline elu kõigile aspektidele. eneloop on oluline kodus, erinevates seadmetes, nagu kaugjuhtimispuldid, telefonid või mänguasjad, ning samuti töö juures. eneloop patareid sobivad ülimalt hästi kasutamiseks juhtmeta klaviatuurides, kaamerates ja mitmetes teistes seadmetes. eneloop batteries
Every year around the world we create a waste mountain of 40 billion disposable batteries. Panasonic has provided an answer to this with the development of eneloop batteries. This rechargeable battery comes with the latest technology and has a smart design. These batteries are essential to daily life.
eneloop, the environmentally friendly rechargeable battery
The eneloop battery has been developed with the sustainability concept and care for the environment in mind. The batteries are fully charged when you purchase them and can also be recharged up to 2,100 times. Our batteries also lose their charge slowly, which means that they can be used for longer than standard alkaline batteries. Furthermore, they still retain 70% of their original capacity after 10 years.
The cost of this type of battery is higher but this is quickly recouped as these batteries lose their charge more slowly and can be recharged more quickly and more times than standard batteries. This means that you make savings when you buy these batteries over the long term.
In addition to their modern and stylish design, the technology of the eneloop is essential to all aspects of life. eneloop is essential at home, in various devices such as remote controls, cordless telephones or toys and also at work. Our eneloop batteries are extremely well-suited for use with wireless keyboards, cameras and many other devices.
Technical details
Product can only be ordered
Product is not currently available in stores.
Available to order:
Ordering to a store 1-4 working days.7 pcs