Product code: 1000431
  • Connectivity: No
  • Connection Type: 1 x USB
  • Style: On-ear
  • Colour: Black
32.35 €

EPOS PC 7 USB - Multimedia headphone with USB connector for VoIP with a headband on one ear, microphone with noise cancellation. Compatible with UC manufacturers' solutions

  • USB plug-and-play: simply plug the headset into the USB port on your PC or Mac and start talking over the network
  • Stereo: the ideal headset solution for VoIP, mobile phone calls and music lovers
  • Volume control: the in-line controller (PC 8 USB) lets you adjust the volume or mute the sound without having to search for the right settings on your computer
  • Noise-cancelling: thanks to the noise-cancelling microphone, you will be fully legible without having to raise your voice
  • Lightweight and comfortable: the ultra-lightweight headband design allows for long-lasting comfort
  • Value for money: excellent sound clarity and durability at an affordable price

Technical specifications

Connection Type1 x USB
Cord Length2 m
Wearing StyleOn-ear
Manufacturer warrantyG24
Ordering to a store
Available to order:
2 pcs
Ordering to a store 4-8 working days.
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