Manfrotto light stand 1052BAC Compact

Product code: 1052BAC
133.50 €
Monthly payment
7.00 € / starting from monthly
This Manfrotto 1052BAC Black Alu Compact Stand is a durable lightweight aluminium lighting stand. It rises to a maximum height of 2.3 m, and is air cushioned. Formerly known as a "Stacker", this stand now has what is called the QSS - Quick Stand System. When folded, two or more of these stands may connected to each other to ease storage or transport.
Air cushioning protects fingers and mounted equipment. If the stand sections are not sufficiently tightened, mounted equipment eases down to minimum height instead of slamming down suddenly.
Product can only be ordered
Product is not currently available in stores.
Available to order:
7 pcs
Ordering to a store 2-7 working days.
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