Ducati branded Electric Scooter PRO-II EVO, 350 W, 10
Product code: DU-MO-210009
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Ducati Pro II Evo elektritõukeratas on varustatud 350 W mootori ja 374 Wh akuga, mis koostöös kerge magneesiumraamiga võimaldab muretult kruiisida tervelt 40 km vaid ühe laadimisega. Sujuva sõidu eest hoolitsevad 10-tollised torkekindlad rattad. Turvalisuse tagamiseks on tõukerattal topeltpidurdussüsteem (elektriline ja mehhaaniline) ning suur 3,5-tolline LCD ekraan, mille kaudu saab jälgida ja hallata kõiki ratta seadistusi.
Pro II Evo mudelit on täiustatud esi- ja tagaamortide ning Ducati Urban e-Mobility rakendusega.
Tõukerattaga käib kaasas spetsiaalne telefonirakendus, mille saab alla laadida Google Play ja App Store'st. Rakendus võimaldab tõukeratta näitudel silma peal hoida.
Kahekordne esi- ja tagavedrustus aitavad pehmendada ebatasasi teid, et tagada meeldiv ja mugav sõidukogemus isegi pikematel sõitudel.
Veelgi suurem valikuvabadus tänu neljale sõidurežiimile – 6 km/h / 15 km/h / 20 km/h / 25 km/h –, mida saab hõlpsasti valida ja hallata rakendusest või suurelt 3,5-tolliselt ekraanilt.
Tõukeratta 350 W harjasteta mootor on äärmiselt töökindel ning vajab minimaalselt hooldust. Sellega kulged mõnusalt linnatänavatel või vuhised suurtel kiirustel ilma liigselt müra tegemata.
Sujuva sõidu eest hoolitsevad 10-tollised torkekindlad sisekummita esi- ja tagarattad. Turvaliseks pidurdamiseks on tõukerattal nii elektriline kui mehhaaniline tagaratta pidur. PRO-II EVO is the Ducati electric scooter that surprises and conquers the road thanks to the double suspension and the control offered by the connection to the Ducati Urban e-Mobility App.
The scooter is equipped with a 350W motor and enhanced 374Wh battery that, combined with the lightness of the magnesium frame, allows you to cover up to 40 km on a single charge. The 10″ anti-puncture tubeless wheels and the double brake, electric front and rear disc, guarantee greater safety and riding comfort even when braking.
The large 3.5″ LED display allows you to manage all the settings easily, without getting distracted while riding.
User App
Integrated app available on the App Store and Google Play, entirely designed and developed by Italdesign. Designed as a real “virtual garage”, it allows you to register more products from the Ducati Urban e-Mobility range. Thanks to the app, you can be constantly updated on the main performance of your vehicle, its location and request assistance in real-time via chat.
The dual front and rear suspension help cushion uneven roads for a pleasant and comfortable riding experience, even on longer journeys.
The scooter has a 350W brushless motor. This type of motor requires minimal maintenance and has a very low level of wear, holds up very well to different speed levels and is very quiet.
Wheels and Brakes
The front and rear 10″ tubeless wheels do not present risk of puncture. The scooter is equipped with a double braking system: electric front and rear disc brakes.
Pro II Evo mudelit on täiustatud esi- ja tagaamortide ning Ducati Urban e-Mobility rakendusega.
Tõukerattaga käib kaasas spetsiaalne telefonirakendus, mille saab alla laadida Google Play ja App Store'st. Rakendus võimaldab tõukeratta näitudel silma peal hoida.
Kahekordne esi- ja tagavedrustus aitavad pehmendada ebatasasi teid, et tagada meeldiv ja mugav sõidukogemus isegi pikematel sõitudel.
Veelgi suurem valikuvabadus tänu neljale sõidurežiimile – 6 km/h / 15 km/h / 20 km/h / 25 km/h –, mida saab hõlpsasti valida ja hallata rakendusest või suurelt 3,5-tolliselt ekraanilt.
Tõukeratta 350 W harjasteta mootor on äärmiselt töökindel ning vajab minimaalselt hooldust. Sellega kulged mõnusalt linnatänavatel või vuhised suurtel kiirustel ilma liigselt müra tegemata.
Sujuva sõidu eest hoolitsevad 10-tollised torkekindlad sisekummita esi- ja tagarattad. Turvaliseks pidurdamiseks on tõukerattal nii elektriline kui mehhaaniline tagaratta pidur. PRO-II EVO is the Ducati electric scooter that surprises and conquers the road thanks to the double suspension and the control offered by the connection to the Ducati Urban e-Mobility App.
The scooter is equipped with a 350W motor and enhanced 374Wh battery that, combined with the lightness of the magnesium frame, allows you to cover up to 40 km on a single charge. The 10″ anti-puncture tubeless wheels and the double brake, electric front and rear disc, guarantee greater safety and riding comfort even when braking.
The large 3.5″ LED display allows you to manage all the settings easily, without getting distracted while riding.
User App
Integrated app available on the App Store and Google Play, entirely designed and developed by Italdesign. Designed as a real “virtual garage”, it allows you to register more products from the Ducati Urban e-Mobility range. Thanks to the app, you can be constantly updated on the main performance of your vehicle, its location and request assistance in real-time via chat.
The dual front and rear suspension help cushion uneven roads for a pleasant and comfortable riding experience, even on longer journeys.
The scooter has a 350W brushless motor. This type of motor requires minimal maintenance and has a very low level of wear, holds up very well to different speed levels and is very quiet.
Wheels and Brakes
The front and rear 10″ tubeless wheels do not present risk of puncture. The scooter is equipped with a double braking system: electric front and rear disc brakes.
Technical Details
Maximum Speed6-25
Motor rated power350
Wheel size10 "
Weight16.70 kg
Warranty24 month(s)