Segway electric scooter Zing C20
Product code: AA.00.0011.54
270.50 €
Monthly payment
7.89 € / starting from monthly
Saa tuttavaks oma teismelise uue lemmiktõukerattaga – Ninebot eKickScooter ZING C20. Värske värvilahenduse, kerge disaini ja kolme sõidurežiimiga, kuid ennekõike kuni 20 km puhast lõbu pakkuv elektriline tõukeratas!
Kolm käiku iga lapse oskustaseme jaoks
Üks vajutus käsipidurile ja oledki ohutu
Ohutuse tagamiseks on Ninebot eKickScooter ZING C20 varustatud suure jõudlusega käsipidurisüsteemiga, millel on ka pidurdamisel energiatagastus EBS: energiat ei lähe raisku! Pidur ise asub tagarattas, et pakkuda sõitmisel rohkem stabiilsust.
Suure jõudlusega kompaktne aku
Tõukeratta aku ühendab liitiumioonaku, kontrolleri ja nutika BMS akuhaldussüsteemi ühte kompaktsesse moodulisse, mis asub astmelauas, et tõukeratta raskuskese asuks madalal: see tagab sõitmisel parema stabiilsuse.
Ühe 5-tunnise laadimisega suudab ZING C20 vastu pidada kuni 20 km, mis annab sõitjale üsna palju sõidulusti.
Tundlik kiirendus pöidlanupuga
Pöidlanupul on olenevalt sõidurežiimist mõõdukas takistus ja reageerimisvõime. Tänu mootori 150 W nimivõimsusele ja lihtsale gaasinupu vajutamisele suudab eKickScooter saavutada maksimaalse kiiruse kuni 16 km/h (Turbo ja Cruise režiimides).
Kulumiskindlad, hea sõiduga rehvid
Elastsed täiskummist rehvid on disainitud olema kulumiskindlad, seega pole vaja rehve täis pumbata ja samuti on need hooldusvabad! Lisaks on rehvi turvis ümber kujundatud, et tagada parem haarduvus ja libisemisvastasus, et laps saaks sõita enesekindlamalt.
Topelttoruga raami disain: tugev ja vastupidav
Tõukeratta raam on valmistatud ülitugevast terasest, kolmnurkse struktuuriga, mis annab tõukerattale kõrge vastupidavuse. Sõitjal on astmelaual hea stabiilsus ja ta saab sõita enesekindlalt.
Lisaks vastab tõukeratas IPX4 reitingule, mis tähendab, et see on vastupidav veepritsmetele.
Mugavad käepidemed
Tõukeratta käepidemed on valmistatud TPR (termoplastikkumm) materjalist, mida on mugav käes hoida ja mis pakub ei lase kätel libiseda. Lisaks on TPR käepidemeid lihtne puhastada ja hooldada.
Efektne valgustus
eKickScooter ZING C20 astmelaud on varustatud efektsete ümbritsevate tuledega:
Pane kokku ja sõida
Selle eKickScooteri üks eeliseid on see, et seda on 2-astmelise voltimismehhanismi abil lihtne kokku panna ja lahti voltida. eKickScooteri kokku-/lahti voltimiseks vajad vaid ühte kätt, et see hõlpsalt hoiule panna. Lisaks on ZING C20 tänu kergele 10 kg disainile ka lihtsalt transporditav. Kick-start the fun with the eKickScooter ZING C20!
Presenting your teen's future obsession: the Ninebot eKickScooter ZING C20! This new model comes in a new captivating colour scheme, with a black frame, and red highlights on the wheels and on the logo. The ZING C20 comes with 3 riding modes that can be adapted to each teen’s level. Last, but not least, this model has a light structure and can provide your teen with a range of 20km worth of time out having fun with their friends.
3 riding modes for every teen's level
One push on the hand brake and you are safe!
In order to assure the safety of your teen, the Ninebot eKickScooter ZING C20 is equipped with a high-performance hand brake system that also has the EBS energy recovery when braking: no energy goes to waste! The brake itself is located in the back wheel in order to provide more stability to your teen.
High-performance and Compact Battery Design
The battery pack integrates the lithium-ion battery, controller, and smart BMS (Battery Management System) into one compact module which is situated in the footboard to lower the centre of gravity: this gives more stability for your teen's ride.
With a single charge of approx. 5 hours, the ZING C20 can last up to 20 km (12.4 miles) which means a lot of fun that can be had with friends!
One press on the thumb throttle and the fun begins!
The thumb throttle has moderate resistance and responsiveness depending on the riding mode. Thanks to the 150W rated power of the motor and a simple press on the throttle, the eKickScooter can go up to 10km/h with the Safe mode and up to 16km/h maximum speed (with Turbo and Cruise modes).
Wear-resistant, Comfortable to Ride Solid Rubber Tyres
The high elastic solid rubber tyres are designed to be wear-resistant so no need to inflate the tyre and good news, they are also maintenance-free! In addition, the tyre tread has been redesigned for better grip and anti-skid performance for the teen to ride with more confidence and therefore more fun!
Tough double tube frame made for adventurous teen
The frame is made of high toughness steel, with a triangle structure, which brings high durability and resistance to the product. The teen will have good stability on the footboard and will ride with confidence. The footboard is also made with anti-slip material to provide your teen with a steadfast riding experience.
In addition, this eKickScooter is IPX4 rated which means it is resistant to water splashes.
Thermo Plastic Rubber (TPR) Comfortable Handle Grips
The handle grips are made of TPR (Thermo Plastic Rubber) material, which is comfortable to hold and offers superior anti-skid traction. Additionally, TPR handle grips are also easy to clean and maintain.
Try out the ambient lights with the ZING C20!
This is the feature that any teen would like the most. With each riding mode, a different ambient light will be lit under their footboard:
Easy to Assemble and to Store
One of the advantages of this eKickScooter is that it is easy to fold and unfold with the 2-step folding mechanism. You only need one hand to fold/unfold the eKickScooter before easily storing it away. Additionally, with a lightweight of 10kg, the ZING C20 is easily transported until the teen begins to ride.
- Sobib alates 10ndast eluaastast
- Maksimaalne kiirus: 16 km/h
- Ühe laadimisega läbib kuni 20 km
- Käsipidur
- Täiskummid
- Kolm sõidurežiimi: Turbo, Cruise & Safe
- Efektne valgustus
- Laadimine 5 tunniga
Kolm käiku iga lapse oskustaseme jaoks
- Safe – aeglaselt, kuid kindlalt edasi
Kuni 10 km/h maksimaalse kiirusega sobib see turvarežiim suurepäraselt algajatele. Kiirendada saab kergelt kiirendusnuppu vajutades (tuleindikaator vilgub kiiresti). - Turborežiim uuteks seiklusteks
Seiklushimulisemate laste jaoks saab turbo režiimis kiirendada kuni u. 16 km/h (tuli põleb pidevalt). - Cruise – tõuka ja mine!
Selles režiimis saab laps tõugates kiirendada kuni 16 km/h (tuli vilgub aeglaselt).
Üks vajutus käsipidurile ja oledki ohutu
Ohutuse tagamiseks on Ninebot eKickScooter ZING C20 varustatud suure jõudlusega käsipidurisüsteemiga, millel on ka pidurdamisel energiatagastus EBS: energiat ei lähe raisku! Pidur ise asub tagarattas, et pakkuda sõitmisel rohkem stabiilsust.
Suure jõudlusega kompaktne aku
Tõukeratta aku ühendab liitiumioonaku, kontrolleri ja nutika BMS akuhaldussüsteemi ühte kompaktsesse moodulisse, mis asub astmelauas, et tõukeratta raskuskese asuks madalal: see tagab sõitmisel parema stabiilsuse.
Ühe 5-tunnise laadimisega suudab ZING C20 vastu pidada kuni 20 km, mis annab sõitjale üsna palju sõidulusti.
Tundlik kiirendus pöidlanupuga
Pöidlanupul on olenevalt sõidurežiimist mõõdukas takistus ja reageerimisvõime. Tänu mootori 150 W nimivõimsusele ja lihtsale gaasinupu vajutamisele suudab eKickScooter saavutada maksimaalse kiiruse kuni 16 km/h (Turbo ja Cruise režiimides).
Kulumiskindlad, hea sõiduga rehvid
Elastsed täiskummist rehvid on disainitud olema kulumiskindlad, seega pole vaja rehve täis pumbata ja samuti on need hooldusvabad! Lisaks on rehvi turvis ümber kujundatud, et tagada parem haarduvus ja libisemisvastasus, et laps saaks sõita enesekindlamalt.
Topelttoruga raami disain: tugev ja vastupidav
Tõukeratta raam on valmistatud ülitugevast terasest, kolmnurkse struktuuriga, mis annab tõukerattale kõrge vastupidavuse. Sõitjal on astmelaual hea stabiilsus ja ta saab sõita enesekindlalt.
Lisaks vastab tõukeratas IPX4 reitingule, mis tähendab, et see on vastupidav veepritsmetele.
Mugavad käepidemed
Tõukeratta käepidemed on valmistatud TPR (termoplastikkumm) materjalist, mida on mugav käes hoida ja mis pakub ei lase kätel libiseda. Lisaks on TPR käepidemeid lihtne puhastada ja hooldada.
Efektne valgustus
eKickScooter ZING C20 astmelaud on varustatud efektsete ümbritsevate tuledega:
- Safe režiimis pulseerivad punased tuled
- Cruise režiimis pulseerivad sinised tuled
- Turbo režiimis pulseerivad mitmevärvilised tuled
Pane kokku ja sõida
Selle eKickScooteri üks eeliseid on see, et seda on 2-astmelise voltimismehhanismi abil lihtne kokku panna ja lahti voltida. eKickScooteri kokku-/lahti voltimiseks vajad vaid ühte kätt, et see hõlpsalt hoiule panna. Lisaks on ZING C20 tänu kergele 10 kg disainile ka lihtsalt transporditav. Kick-start the fun with the eKickScooter ZING C20!
Presenting your teen's future obsession: the Ninebot eKickScooter ZING C20! This new model comes in a new captivating colour scheme, with a black frame, and red highlights on the wheels and on the logo. The ZING C20 comes with 3 riding modes that can be adapted to each teen’s level. Last, but not least, this model has a light structure and can provide your teen with a range of 20km worth of time out having fun with their friends.
- From 10+ yrs
- Up to 16 km/h Maximum Speed
- Up to approx. 20 km range (12.4 miles)
- Hand-Operated Rear Brake
- Solid Tyres with Synthetic Rubber Material
- Easy Charging up to 5 hours
- 3 Riding Modes : Turbo, Cruise and Safe Mode
- Ambient lights under footboard
3 riding modes for every teen's level
- Safe mode, slow and steady
The safe mode has a maximum speed of up to 10km/h (6.2mph), making it perfect for beginners. They can accelerate by pressing the throttle integrated into the power button (the indicator light blinks fast and you will hear 3 beeps). - Cruise mode, kick and go
This mode has a maximum speed of up to 16km/h (10mph), all you need to get going is one kick and you can just cruise along the rest of the ride (the indicator light blinks slowly and you will hear 2 beeps). - Turbo mode, let the adventure begin
For the more adventurous, sporty teens, the turbo mode is the way to show off to your friends. The maximum turbo speed for the ZING C20 is up to 16km/h (10mph), your eKickScooter will be the biggest hit amongst your friends (the indicator light is solid and you will hear 1 beep).
One push on the hand brake and you are safe!
In order to assure the safety of your teen, the Ninebot eKickScooter ZING C20 is equipped with a high-performance hand brake system that also has the EBS energy recovery when braking: no energy goes to waste! The brake itself is located in the back wheel in order to provide more stability to your teen.
High-performance and Compact Battery Design
The battery pack integrates the lithium-ion battery, controller, and smart BMS (Battery Management System) into one compact module which is situated in the footboard to lower the centre of gravity: this gives more stability for your teen's ride.
With a single charge of approx. 5 hours, the ZING C20 can last up to 20 km (12.4 miles) which means a lot of fun that can be had with friends!
One press on the thumb throttle and the fun begins!
The thumb throttle has moderate resistance and responsiveness depending on the riding mode. Thanks to the 150W rated power of the motor and a simple press on the throttle, the eKickScooter can go up to 10km/h with the Safe mode and up to 16km/h maximum speed (with Turbo and Cruise modes).
Wear-resistant, Comfortable to Ride Solid Rubber Tyres
The high elastic solid rubber tyres are designed to be wear-resistant so no need to inflate the tyre and good news, they are also maintenance-free! In addition, the tyre tread has been redesigned for better grip and anti-skid performance for the teen to ride with more confidence and therefore more fun!
Tough double tube frame made for adventurous teen
The frame is made of high toughness steel, with a triangle structure, which brings high durability and resistance to the product. The teen will have good stability on the footboard and will ride with confidence. The footboard is also made with anti-slip material to provide your teen with a steadfast riding experience.
In addition, this eKickScooter is IPX4 rated which means it is resistant to water splashes.
Thermo Plastic Rubber (TPR) Comfortable Handle Grips
The handle grips are made of TPR (Thermo Plastic Rubber) material, which is comfortable to hold and offers superior anti-skid traction. Additionally, TPR handle grips are also easy to clean and maintain.
Try out the ambient lights with the ZING C20!
This is the feature that any teen would like the most. With each riding mode, a different ambient light will be lit under their footboard:
- In Safe mode, the lights turn red and are pulsing;
- In Cruise mode, the lights pulse in a blue colour;
- But in Turbo mode, the lights are pulsating in many colours!
Easy to Assemble and to Store
One of the advantages of this eKickScooter is that it is easy to fold and unfold with the 2-step folding mechanism. You only need one hand to fold/unfold the eKickScooter before easily storing it away. Additionally, with a lightweight of 10kg, the ZING C20 is easily transported until the teen begins to ride.
Technical Details
Maximum SpeedUp to 16
Weight12.775 kg
Product can only be ordered
Product is not currently available in stores.
Available to order:
Ordering to a store 4-8 working days.1 pcs