Segway Ninebot KickScooter F30E, black

Product code: AA.00.0010.79
Segway Ninebot KickScooter F30E elektritõukeratas pakub suurepärast sõidumugavust, stabiilsust ja turvalisust. Tõukerattal on 10-tollised õhkrehvid, maksimaalne kiirus 25 km/h ja sõiduulatus kuni 30 km, et saaksid parima sõidukogemuse nii uusi kohti avastades kui ka igapäevaseid sõite tehes.
  • 10-tollised õhkrehvid, mis kannavad Sind üle igasuguse maastiku
  • Maksimaalne kiirus: 25 km/h
  • Ühe laadimisega läbib kuni 30 km
  • Integreeritud 2,1 W LED esi-, piduri- ja tagatuled
  • Sertifitseeritud E-MARK helkurid ees, taga ja külgedel
  • Topeltpidurdussüsteem: elektriline ja mehhaaniline
  • Maksimaalne tõusunurk: 15°
  • Neli režiimi: Eco, Standard, Sport, Walk
  • LED-ekraan kuvab sõidukiirust, -režiimi ja akutaset
  • Tõukeratas laeb täis 6,5 tunniga
  • Integreeritud rattakell
  • Android ja iOS rakendus
  • Mugav kokkupakitav disain
  • Pritsmekindel disain vastab IPX5 standardile

Liigu mugavalt 30 km ulatuses
Segway Ninebot KickScooter F30E 300 W mootor viib Sind kiiresti, turvaliselt ja nauditavalt tööle, loengusse või sõprade-pereliikmete juurde. F30E suudab arendada kiirust kuni 25 km/h ja sõita üles isegi kuni 15% tõusunurga all. Nutikas akuhaldussüsteem tagab, et energiat asjata ei kulutataks, jälgides akukasutust ja vältides üle- ning alalaadimist, ülekuumenemist ja lühistamist.

Läbimõeldud disain
Ninebot F30E elektritõukeratta saab lihtsalt ühe käega ja kõigest kahe liigutusega kokku panna. Tänu kompaktsele disainile saab seda hõlpsalt hoiustada ning 16,9 kg kaalu juures saab selle ka käe otsa haarata. 10-tollised õhkrehvid summutavad põrutusi ning kannavad Sind üle igasuguse maastiku veelgi mugavamalt ja sujuvamalt.

Turvalisus ennekõike
Ninebot F30E on varustatud hämaramates oludes sõitmiseks nii esi-, taga- kui ka pidurituledega ja helkuritega. Kiirema ja turvalisema pidurdamise tagab seejuures kahekordne pidurdussüsteem – elektriline ja mehaaniline. Erinevatel kiirustel kulgemiseks on tõukerattal neli režiimi – Eco max 15 km/h, Standard max 25 km/h, Sport max 25 km/h ja tugevam kiirendus ja Walk max 5 km/h –, mille saab mugavalt sisse lülitada tõukeratta LED-paneelilt.

Segway Ninebot rakendus
Segway Ninebot rakendus iOS ja Androidile hoiab Sind kursis tõukeratta olekuga, näidates vajalikku teavet, nagu aku tase, sõidurežiimid, hooldusvajadus jne. Enjoy the freedom to move around with F30E!
Looking for a smart and ecological way of moving? Want to avoid traffic jam to go to work? Or simply join your beloved ones in an efficient and smooth way? Check out all the great features of the Ninebot KickScooter F30E and you will be conquered! With a range of up to 30 km, a speed of up to 25 km/h, 10-inch pneumatic tyres for a smooth ride and all the equipment to keep you safe while riding, the F30E is the one you need!
  • Maximum speed up to 25 km/h (15.5 mph)
  • Range up to 30 km (18.6 miles)
  • 2.1 W Built in-front LED Light, Brake and Rear Lights
  • 10 inch Tubeless Pneumatic Tyres with jelly layer
  • 2 brakes: electronic front brake; rear disc brake
  • Up to 15% easy climbing
  • Front, side and rear E-MARK reflectors
  • Easy Charging up to 6,5 hours

Powerful 300 W motor to bring you where you want!
Moving around has never been so easy: thanks to its 300 W motor, the KickScooter F30E is capable to climb a 15% hill and drive you up to a maximum speed of 25 km/h. Just inform your friends or family and you are there in no time!

Don’t worry, be happy with the 10-inch tubeless pneumatic tyres!
Challenge the 10-inch tubeless pneumatic tyres of the Ninebot KickScooter: as they can absorb most of the shocks, they will provide you with a pleasant ride, even on rough terrains. In addition, with the integrated jelly layer inside, the tyres have lower puncture risks so you can ride with a piece of mind.

3 Riding modes and 1 Walk mode: which one will you choose?
Depending on your mood, the distance to achieve, your desire to take it slow and take your time, you have many riding modes to respond to your need. By simply double tap on the button integrated into the dashboard, you can switch between:
  • Energy-saving mode (ECO): the maximum speed is up to 15 km/h to extend the battery life.
  • Standard mode (D): with a maximum speed of up to 25 km/h, enjoy your smooth ride.
  • Sport mode (S): with higher torque, you will experience a more powerful start and driving up to 25 km/h.
  • Walk mode: with a maximum speed settled up to 5 km/h, you can easily walk along your KickScooter and discuss with your friends!

Express yourself, Reinvent your style

Level up your urban style thanks to Ninebot KickScooter's details in orange, like wheels rims and the brakes. The vibrant orange will give you that fancy appeal as well as differentiate from other riders.

In addition, you can easily carry and/or store your KickScooter thanks to its easy folding mechanism.

One lever for 2 regenerative brakes!
No need to choose which brake is better in either situation: you have one lever that controls 2 independent brakes and therefore gives you better control when you need to stop. The electronic front brake and the disc rear brake will not only ensure your safety but will also recover energy when braking.

Charging your KickScooter has never been so easy
With the new charging port placed on the footboard, all you need to do is to insert the cable inside the port and plug it into a wall socket: it is that simple! The Ninebot KickScooter F30E requires 6.5 hours to fully charge the battery of 367 Wh (10.2 Ah) and you can then ride up to 30 km around you.

Thanks to the BMS, the battery is protected against overheating, short circuits and overcharge.

Connect with the Segway-Ninebot App
The Segway-Ninebot App for iOS & Android keeps you posted on the status of your Ninebot KickScooter, showing you the necessary information like the battery level, the riding modes, if maintenance is needed, etc.. So you can ride your KickScooter without worries!

Smart Battery Management System (BMS)
The eco-friendly energy recovery system makes sure no power goes to waste, while the Smart Battery Management System (BMS) closely monitors battery performance.

You won’t go unnoticed with the lights, reflectors and bell!
Increase your visibility and guide your way thanks to the 2.1 W high-brightness LED front headlight in addition to the brake and rear lights. There are also front, side and rear E-MARK certified reflectors to allow you to ride in low lighting conditions and be seen by others. And last but not least, seeing you is important as well as hearing you thanks to the mechanical bell!

Technical Details

Maximum SpeedUp to 25 km/h
Maximum Travel DistanceUp to 30 km
Weight16.90 kg
Warranty24 month(s)
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